Pagham Yacht Club , 1 west Front Road, Pagham,  West Sussex, PO21 4sY



Pagham Yacht Club has four categories of Membership – Full, Social, Honorary and Temporary. The membership year finishes on the last day of February and starts on 1st March for the new year.  


Full Membership

A Full member shall have the full use of all the club facilities and benefits from a vote at all general meetings of the club. Full membership is available in the following classes:



Individual Adult over 18 years of age

Family*: Husband/Wife or Cohabiting Partners and their children: Aged between 8 and 18 years living at the same address.

Student: An individual Adult member who is under 24 years of age in full time education.

Youth: A sailing/angling member aged between 8 and 18 years, without a parent / guardian member and they shall have no voting rights.



A Social member who may use only the facilities available in the club house, they shall not be entitled to sailing/angling facilities, unless events are designated by the appropriate Rear Commodore as inclusive of Social Members.  Social Members have no voting rights unless they are serving Committee members and they shall not exceed 40% of the total membership. 

Social Adult: Individual Adult non-sailing / angling member over 18 years of age.

Social Family: Husband/Wife or Cohabiting Partners and their children+ of between 8 and 18 years living at the same address.



The club, on the recommendation of the Committee, may in General Meeting elect Honorary members, who shall have no voting rights unless they are serving Committee members.



A category of membership primarily intended for summer visitors from other RYA or AT recognised club or organisations and ‘House Guests’ of Club members. Temporary members shall have the full use of the club facilities for a period not exceeding 14 days in any one year but;



* Discount for Single Parent families.

^ Discount for Students living away from home and more than 50 miles from the club.

+ Children of Family members shall have the full use of all the club facilities and will be classed as Youth members.


A more detailed description of the membership arrangements can be found at Section 3 – Membership within the PYC Rules and By-Laws on the website.



Message from the Membership Secretary


The Membership year finishes on 28th February 2025. All members renewing their membership should submit their renewal applications and pay the membership fees, and where necessary, the boat park fees, during February ready for the start of the new membership year on March 1st 2025. If for whatever reason you are unable to re-join within that timescale, please contact me at so that we can look at how a relaxation of the renewal period could work for you and the Club. Our Rules require that the renewal process should be completed by 31st March 2025.


We really do hope you will re-join. The Management Committee have been working hard on the sailing, angling and social calendar for 2025, and once again we have some exciting events for you to put in your diaries. This will include ‘Paddlers’ returning for 17 weeks soon after the season starts. The date will be announced in the Blog, on the Paddlers FaceBook page and on this website.


For renewals, our preference is that renewal of fees are paid by way of BACS, if that is possible, so that the transfer of cash or cheques is kept to a minimum. Payments of cash and cheques put an additional duty to visit the bank which is not always an easy task these days. Last year nearly 70% of payments were by BACS.


We are a volunteer based Club, and so we are asking for all of those renewing to complete the ‘volunteers list’ on the application form so that we can update member details and at the same time to try to capture some information about member skills that might be helpful to the Club. In particular, please add your name to the list of volunteers that help behind the bar. This can be great fun, is not too onerous, help and training will be provided, you will make friends amongst a very friendly bunch of people. What could possibly go wrong!


New members are very welcome – the more the merrier! This coming year we want to focus on new families, taking part in on-water activities, and also benefitting from the extensive social programme that we are planning. Keep an eye on our calendar for events that are designed to showcase the Club, in particular those social and water-based events that we hope new members will sign up to.


If you have any questions contact me at or any other member of the Committee. Better still pop in to the Club and say hello to us.